Nicotine withdrawal symptoms summary

nicotine withdrawal symptoms

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms 

Even when you're trying to quit the smoke, you may still notice some awful things happening in your body. But, I'm sure you'd rather deal with these nicotine withdrawal symptoms than carry on smoking and hurting yourself.

Be acquainted with all the nicotine withdrawal symptoms and watch out for them. They may be bodily or psychological since both factors are affected while you were smoking. You do not need treatment for these nicotine withdrawal symptoms, but they are worthwhile to identify. Read on to learn more!

Physical symptoms:


If you are simply starting to quit, you may have noticed that you cough frequently. This is just the way that your lungs cope with the changes in your dependency. You don't need to panic. Coughs can lead to days, with mucus coming out now and then. You can take cough drops to alleviate your throat.

Your Chest Will Tighten

A week after stopping, you will observe that your chest feels tighter. Again, this is normal. Your lungs are getting more fresh and unsoiled air than usual. Think of it as your lungs doing stretches.

Feeling constipated

You may sense that you are receiving more and sicker when you are stopping the smoke. You must eat more fiber and drink more water. You simply have to bear with the way your digestion route is getting used to the lack of nicotine in your body.

Severe Halitosis

While most people who smoke already suffer from bad breath, being a quitter will make you endure some more. Good news is it's only temporary and will disappear after a few weeks. Get used to carrying mints around with you.


Nicotine contained in cigarettes is a stimulant. Your brain has gotten used to having nicotine there. During the stopping process, your brain will fine-tune with your body and so you will feel some headaches coming. Relax and lots of fluids can help alleviate the pain of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Sore Throat

Toxins created by cigarette smoking cause mucus secretions in your throat and mouth area. After a few days of being a non-smoker, your system will not produce less mucus around the throat area. As a result, chemicals inside your throat and mouth will undergo change. Mouth sores are merely one more phase of your nicotine withdrawal symptoms.


One of the physically manifested nicotine withdrawal symptoms is dizziness. After quitting, your system starts to change old and polluted red blood cells. You may experience irregular to constant dizziness as your blood flow normalizes.

Mental Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms: Cravings and Over-Ingestion

Your mouth isn't accustomed to having nothing to do so you will feel the urge to eat. You will crave food because you have to do something with your oral cavity. However, you can fight your cravings with a combination of the right willingness and determination.


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