Second Hand Smoke Kills Your Family

Second hand smoke kills your family

What are the dangers of second hand smoke? Well, the answer is quite simple and also shocking: You are smoking, even if you didn't touch a cigarette in your entire life. And often people won't believe it. Especially parents who smoke at home. But it's true. If you are in a room with somebody and you are breathing in smoke, this is what happens:
The irritation goes straight into your lungs and builds tar in your airways. It goes directly into your bloodstream and causes 50% decrease of size in your arteries, which means that the oxygen supply decreases by 50% as well.
Within ten seconds that smoke hits your brain and although you might feel a little dizzy, you are getting the same effect with the release of dopamine which is a substance that promotes addiction. If you feel a little less focused or feel a little dizzy when you are around smokers, there is a high probability that you are experiencing the effects of second hand smoking. 
Some statistical facts Tobacco is the greatest killer accounting for more than five million lives every year which is much more than the total dead due to tuberculosis, AIDS and malaria pooled together. If this rate is maintained, it is stated that tobacco can be the main reason for the death of more than eight million people by the year 2030 and more than 1 billion individuals in the 21st century.
Second hand smoke divisions Mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke are the two divisions of this smoke. The former is that which is released by the smokers and the latter being the smoke released from the fiery end of a cigar, pipe or a cigarette. It is stated that more than 75% of the nonsmoking individuals including children and adults are open to this smoke.

Here are comprehensive facts about this smoke

• Only 15% of the smoke is inhaled by the smoker while the remaining 85% is released into the air. 
• If a person sits with a smoker in a closed room for two hours, he or she will have inhaled the smoke of four cigarettes. 
• The ratio is considered to be 8:1 that is, for every 8 smoker who dies out of smoking one nonsmoker is killed due to second hand smoking. 
• The content of this smoke includes more than 4000 chemicals that have both 200 well-known toxins and around 40 cancer causing agents too. 
• Health institutions have classified this smoke as the major substance resulting in cancer known as Class A Carcinogen. 
• Non-smoking lady living with a smoker spouse develops 91% greater risk of having cardiac diseases .
• Pregnant women exposed to passive smoking are subjected to various serious issues including greater rates of stillbirths, miscarriages, and SIDS.

 If you are a smoker, its time you get real-time professional help in order to stop the hazards of second hand smoke. 

More Info Second hand smoke


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