Main Reasons Why Teens Start Smoking

Reasons Why Teens Start Smoking

Everyday, 3,000 youth smoke their first cigarette, and some of those youth become addicted to cigarettes for their whole life. Teen smoking is increasingly becoming a big problem, and it doesn't look like it is a problem that will ever be solved, even if tobacco products were to become illegal.
What makes a teenager start smoking in the first place? A teenager can engage in smoking because they see an older sibling, who they look up to, smoking. After all, if the person they have been looking up to for many years is doing it, then it's perfectly okay, right? Even if they know that smoking cigarettes is bad, it makes it okay. If they are around that particular sibling often, they will be even more likely to smoke as well because they are around it a lot.

Another top reason for smoking amongst youth is rebellion. When a person is making the transition from child to pre-teen or teenager, they are experiencing many physical and psychological changes. They are learning to become more independent and are learning responsibility through school, extracurricular activities and work. They are discovering and learning new things everyday, and cigarettes can be one of those things.
When things are not going right at home or when things are not turning out as they hope, they can resort to finding comfort in cigarettes. When parents become too "overbearing", they can reach out to cigarettes to rebel against them, even if the parents are reacting in a way that they believe is best for their son or daughter. When parents restrict their teen from doing what they want by setting up rules, the teenager, naturally curious, will be more likely to smoke.
Sometimes, it's peer pressure. Friends and people in general should be respectful and mindful of other peoples' choices, but they will come across people who are intolerant, ignorant, and flat-out idiotic and who will tease the teen for not smoking. In an effort to look "cool", to belong and to not feel left out, the teen will smoke.
Then, some teenagers smoke for no apparent reason. Their life could be going very smoothly, and they just pick up on the habit.

Studies have shown that 90 percent of current adult smokers started when they were teenagers. Those same people thought they would never smoke for a prolonged period of time. In fact, they claimed they couldn't envision themselves smoking past 7 to 9 years, but they were still engaging in their life-threatening habit many years down the line.

also read , How To Deal With Teen Smoking.

For more info.


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